Fishing Game
This is a fishing game where the player uses various tactics to catch trout, salmon and other game fish by trolling on Green Bay off Menominee, Michigan, and Marinette and Peshtigo, Wisconsin. The player controls the boat speed and direction. Up to 3 fishing poles can be used. A wide selection of tackle is available for setting up the poles, including flashers, dodgers, dipseys, downriggers, deep sixes, flies, spoons, various types of line, etc. The game starts with the boat in the shipping channel off the Menominee River pier. The game advances one minute each time the "move" button is pressed, and ends when you run out of gas, or run aground. Various buttons are available to set the drag, reel in line, let out line, change terminal tackle, check for weeds, etc. If you are new to fishing, check the logbook for ideas on how, when and where to fish. Good luck!